Andrographis Paniculata

Helps to calm and soothe irritated skin

Andrographis paniculata featuring delicate pink-purple flowers and green leaves.
  • Soothing

  • Known to calm and soothe irritated skin.

What It Is
  • Also known as Kalmegh or the "King of Bitters”, Andrographis Paniculata is a herbaceous plant primarily found in tropical regions of Asia, such as India and Sri Lanka.


  • As documented in Ayurveda, a traditional Indian medicine system, Andrographis Paniculata can help treat various ailments.

  • Recent scientific research highlights Andrographis Paniculata Extract’s ability to reduce redness and calm irritation, acquiring recognition in the scene.

Our Research
  • Since 2003, THE WHOO has been at the forefront of research on the skin-soothing effects of Andrographis Paniculata Extract and its key component, Andrographolide.

  • * Publication Number: (KR 10-1065608)